
As part of "The Monk Collection", Hearts Of Real Men was designed to express the character, strength and courage that exists within each o us.

Respecting One Another

Beyond blood relation and years of association it's mutual respect that represents the foundation of a lasting bond.

Seeing Our Spirits Beyond Our Appearances

When we view one another beyond gender, race or social status we begin to see our shared humanity.

A Steady Accention

Each of us has a responsibility to hold ourselves accountable for our own personal growth.

Setting New Standards

The more we grow and gain better understandings of ourselves the more responsibility we have to share our growth with our fellow human beings who are still learning.

Communication Is The Bridge To Elevation

Regardless of the emotions involved in any situation, establishing an open and sincere dialogue regarding the realities of the situation from both perspectives is the first step to eventually resolving the matter.

All Voices Matter

Being in disagreement with someone perspective is never a valid reason to completely ignore the reasoning behind their perspective.

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